Turf Laying & Watering Guide

The following information is to assist you when laying your new turf. Please call Warner Garden Centre on (07) 3882 3073 if you have any additional questions that are not covered below.

How quickly do I need to lay the turf once it’s delivered?

Turf is cut on the farm late in the afternoon prior to delivery day or early in the morning on the day it is being delivered depending on weather conditions.  You need to lay your turf the same day it’s delivered especially in summer.  Extended periods of time left stacked on the pallet can lead to pallet burning. DO NOT water your turf while it is stacked on the pallet.  If you suspect that something might be wrong with the turf when laying it, please call us straight away.  Its very hard to deal with any issue weeks after the job is complete.

How should I move the turf when I am laying it?

You should always fold the slabs of turf to make moving turf easy.  Simple way is to fold one end of the slab into the middle then the other end over the top of that.  Turf can tear apart if not properly carried.

There isn’t much soil on the bottom of the turf slabs, should I be concerned?

No. While it is ideal to have a nice layer of soil on each slab of new turf, it is not always possible to achieve this given varying weather and soil conditions along with vibration experienced during the harvesting & transporting processes.  Your new turf will still establish normally as long as you are watering it appropriately after laying it.

Do I need to follow a set pattern when laying the turf on the ground?

It is recommended that a header course (1 full slab width) be laid around the outside of the area being turfed. Then lay the remaining turf inside this header course. You may need to cut your turf to fit smaller sections.

How much should I be watering my new turf?


Water your lawn as soon as you as it is laid.  For large areas, especially on hot days, get someone to start watering or setup a sprinkler whilst the remainder of the laying takes place.

Keep your lawn moist during the establishment period (water each day for at least the 1st week or 2nd and then back off the watering to every 2nd day, then every 3rd day, etc) – this is generally about 2 to 4 weeks – but depends on the time of year & weather conditions.

In warmer months you will be required to water your lawn a minimum 2 times a day and possibly 3 times on extremely hot days.

BUFFALO TURF:  Buffalo turf can be susceptible to leaf spot fungi during wet & humid weather.  If you see leaf spot appearing on your turf, use Mancozeb Plus or similar products to treat it immediately so it doesn’t spread.  To avoid leaf spot, only water turf in the morning/middle of the day to allow the leaf to dry overnight.

Your lawn will let you know if it is drying out by its appearance and behaviour.  The leaf blades will start to curl, shrivel and dry out so you know when it needs a drink.

WARNING!! On hot days always check the water temperature in your hose or sprinkler first, before turning it on your new turf.


Once your lawn sets root into the soil, it is starting to become established.  You can test for this by trying lift the slabs up at the corners. If it doesn’t lift then your lawn is taken root.

Once establishment is happening you can start to back off the watering. The idea is to get to the point where you water less frequently, but give the lawn a deep soaking.  This encourages deep root systems and so a more self-sufficient and drought tolerant lawn.  As the water drains through the soil, the roots seek the water out deeper in the soil, rather than just hanging around near the surface which is what will happen if you continue to give it short, regular splashes of water.  Train your lawn to go the distance!

The best time to water your lawn is early morning or when there is usually less wind and less chance of water loss due to heat related evaporation.

In wet & humid conditions, avoid late afternoon or early evening watering as this can increase the chance of fungal disease (best watered in morning in these conditions)

Do I need to roll my turf using a lawn roller?

It is recommended that you use a lawn roller to roll your new turf once it is laid.  This will help with getting your new lawn nice and level as well as assist with ensuring good contact between the new turf and the ground surface.

Once the turf is down, do I need to fertilise and top dress it?

It’s not necessary to fertilise or top dress your new turf immediately. The earliest we recommend that you fertilise and top dress is after the first mow ‘if it is required’.  Giving your lawn a light top dressing will allow you to fill in uneven spots and any join lines in the new lawn.

What should I do if I see grubs or beetles in the new turf?

Our supplier follows a well established and thorough pest spraying program on the farm to ensure their stocks are protected against any damage from Lawn Grubs. Lawn Grubs are most common between November & May and if you see signs of lawn grub in your lawn, use a Lawn Grub liquid or granular insecticide to control them (make sure you read the product label for application first).  If you are still concerned about the presence of pests in new turf, please contact us.

What should I do if I see weeds in the new turf?

Once again our supplier undertakes a thorough and well established weed spraying program to ensure as much as possible that turf is being harvested and delivered weed free.  If weeds appear immediately after laying, verify that the weeds have not originated from the original soil that was there prior to you installing the new turf. You may need to dig down to find the source of the weed (especially if it is nutgrass). If you are still concerned about the presence of weeds then please call us.

When can I mow my new lawn?

You can mow your new lawn once the turf has taken root.  Simply try to pull the new turf up gently to check if it has taken root.  We recommend that you don’t mow your new lawn too short. Remember that during the colder months, the turf will take longer to establish.

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